Letting Go Of Trouble You Can't Arrange

Many years ago, this small paragraph in a fiction book Pursuit and Persuasion by Sally S. Wright struck me as a good reminder of the ineffectiveness of worry.

The Ineffectiveness of Worry
Photo courtesy of Lawrence OP. Used by permission.

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Many years ago, this small paragraph in a fiction book Pursuit and Persuasion by Sally S. Wright struck me as a good reminder of the ineffectiveness of worry.

Another sort of person couldn’t have. Knowing what she knew. Fearing what she had reason to fear. But Georgina had learned … to let go of trouble she couldn’t arrange. When she’d done what she knew to do, she took the free moments unto herself. For if what she hoped for, and prayed for devoutly, wasn’t what should be, worry wouldn’t help, and usually tended to hurt.

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